19(15) a school

construction of two new classrooms for a primary school and development of its surrounding area
The extensions developed are in keeping with the surrounding building context, both in terms of height and the delineation of appropriate outdoor spaces. They reflect the daily lives of the children who attend the Aurore school, and the high standards they deserve in terms of spatial quality and landmarks, as well as mobility and safety. The architectural intervention aims to provide optimal learning spaces while blending seamlessly into the existing landscape.
Programme: 2 classrooms, shared semi-public space
Location : Jettes, BE
Client: Commune de Jette
Status: completed in 2024
Surfaces: 80 m² int. / 5960 m² ext.
Cost: 500,000 €
Team: A PRACTICE., architecture / SERVAIS ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURAL, stability / ENERG-IR, thermal and fluid engineering / SEVERIN MALAUD, photographer